Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If a Man Wants You - DivineCaroline

If a Man Wants You - DivineCaroline

K&W American Burger

K&W American Burger

Thursday, November 17, 2011

معلومات مفيدة
1. ابتعد عن السموم البيضاء الثلاثه : السموم البيضاء هي الملح والسكر والدقيق الأبيض تجنبها قدر الإمكان فهي مضره بالتأكيد قلل من الملح قدر الإمكان واستعض عن السكر بالعسل واستخدم الدقيق الأسمر بدل الأبيض.

2. مضغ الخضار جيدا : ان مضغ الطعام جيدا يزيد من نسبة المواد الكيماوية المكافحة للسرطان التي تطلقها الخضراوات مثل البروكلي والملفوف والقرنبيط .
3. المشي يوميا : المشي اليومي لمدة نصف ساعة او ساعة يقلل من امكانية الاصابة بمرض السرطان بنسبة 18 % ويساعد على التخلص من 3 كيلو غرامات تقريبا في السنة ويحافظ على قوام الجسم ..
4. الاكثار من تناول اللوز : يفضل تناول اللوز بين الوجبات اليومية وعند الشعور بالجوع فهي غنية بالعناصر المغذية التي قد يفتقر اليها النظام الغذائي اليومي .
5.إ ضافة القرفة (الدارسين) على القهوة : ضع نصف ملعقة صغيرة من القرفة في فنجان القهوة اليومي حيث يسهم في خفض مستويات الكوليسترول في الدم ويساعد الجسم على استخدام الانسولين بفاعلية اكثر وبالتالي فهو مفيد جدا لمرضى السكري إذا داوموا عليه.
6. لا داعي للعجلة والسرعة : لابد من اخذ الوقت عند القيام بالاعمال اليومية لتفادي التعرض لارتفاع ضغط الدم .
7. أضف نصف ملعقه صغيره من الحبه السوداء(حبة البركة) الى كوب لبن الزبادي(لبن رائب) خالي الدسم وتناول ذلك يوميا ان أمكن .
8. ثلاث حصص يومية من الخضار والفواكه : احرص على تناول الخضار والفواكه بمعدل 3 حصص يومية فبالامكان ان تخفف من خطر الاصابة بالنوبة القلبية بنسبة 70 % .
9. الثوم صيدليه عجيبه يقي من كثير من الأمراض : الثوم من أعجب الأدوية الطبيعية لكثير من الأمراض ولكن بعد استعماله امضغ شئ من الخضروات الخضراء مثل البقدونس( المعدنوس) حتى تزول رائحته ونظف فمك قبل خروجك من البيت.
10. المر افضل مضاد حيوي :  المضادات الحيوية الكيماوية مضره جدا إذا اكثرت من استعمالها ولكن المر مفيد كمضاد حيوي وله فوائد أخرى كثيره وليس له اي مضار فاستخدموه عند الحاجة كمضاد حيوي تجدوه عند العطارين ومحلات التداوي بالأعشاب .
11. احرص على متابعة نوع الشامة على الجلد : تشير الأبحاث إلى أن القدرة على ملاحظات التغيرات التي تطرأ على الشامات المختلفة على الجلد تزداد بنسبة 13% وان الحرص في ملاحظتها يجنب الاصابة بالسرطان .
12. نظافة الاسنان : احرص على تفادي ترطيب فرشاة الاسنان بالماء قبل وضع المعجون عليها حيث ان الفرشاة الجافة تزيد من امكانية التخلص من البلاك بنسبة 67 % .
13. النوم بشكل افضل : تناول التفاح لمكافحة الارق والنوم بشكل عميق فالنوم يساعد على مكافحة الشيخوخة المبكرة والاحتفاظ ببشرة شبابية .
14. استخدم الخل دائما : الخل وخاصة خل التفاح من افود المواد للجسم وفوائده لا تحصى استخدموا ملعقة صغيره مع السلطات يوميا .
15. شرب الشاي الاخضر : ينصح بتناول كوب من الشاي الاخضر يوميا والذي يمنع التاكسد في خلايا الجسم ، ويخفف من امكانية حدوث السرطان ولنتائج افضل اشربوه مركزا بدون سكر.
16. تناول السمك مرة في الاسبوع : على الرغم من ان الاختصاصين يوصون بتناول حصتين من السمك اسبوعيا ، الا ان تناول حصة واحدة يمكن ان تساعد على تحسين توازن المواد الكيميائية الدماغية ، والسمك مفيد لصحة القلب والدماغ .
17. حبة تفاح كل يوم تجنبك الطبيب :  نصيحه قديمه ولكنها صحيحه فعلا التفاح مفيد جدا تعودوا على تناول تفاحه يوميا وسوف تلاحظون تحسنا في صحتكم.
18. الاكثار من تناول الفاكهه : تناول الفاكهه الطبيعية بين الوجبات حيث تساعد على الهضم وتخلص الجسم من السموم والشوائب ...
19. زيت الزيتون صيدليه متكامله : زيت الزيتون من اغرب المواد الطبيعيه التي لها فوائد لاتحصى فحافطوا عليه يوميا شربا ودهانا.
20. تناول قطعتين من الشوكولاته يوميا : حيث يؤكد الخبراء ان الشوكولاته تبعد عنك فقر الدم وتحسن المزاج ..
21 . لا تحمل الاغراض الثقيلة : ابتعد عن حمل اي حقائب ثقيلة كي لا تؤثر على العمود الفقري او على طريقة الوقوف والسير بشكل سلبي .
22 . الانتباه للون اللسان : يمكن للون اللسان ان يكون مؤشرا لمشكلات صحية لذا احرص على لونه واكتسابه لاي لون مختلف ، فاللون الابيض يدل على ضعف في جهاز المناعة واللون الاصفر يدل على الافراط في الطعام والشراب والاحمر في طرف اللسان يعتبر مؤشرا على الاجهاد النفسي .
23 . التنزه خارج المنزل : التغير والخروج عن الروتين اليومي يساعد في رفع المعنويات والابتعاد عن التوتر والاكتئاب اذ يجب اعداد برنامج للتنزه خارج المنزل وزيارة الاهل والأقرباء والأصدقاء .
24 . نظافة الجسم والملابس : قد لا ترى بالعين المجردة ما يحمله جسمك او تحمله ملابسه من الميكروبات ولكن تغييرها ونظافتها يمنع الاصابة باي جراثيم وميكروبات خفيفة خاصة مع حرارة الطقس والنظافه من الإيمان.
الرجاء لا تجعل خير هذه الرسالة يقف عند حدود جهازك وساهم في نشر هذه المعلومات المفيدة بين جميع معارفك وأكسب منهم أجر الصدقة الجارية التي سيكتبها الله جزاك مساهمتك
في منفعة الأخريين وزرع الخير في قلوبهم

Monday, November 7, 2011

My Volunteering Experience

In that cold windy October night in Oklahoma, and as I was out of class, I saw a flier requesting volunteers to throw a Halloween party for the children in a substance abuse organization that are staying with their attending mums. I became so motivated to go through this experience. Since I've been through many bad experiences and I know what it feels, this would shape my skills to help others not to go through the same experiences. I applied without thinking.

Few days later, I received a text message from the organizers telling me that I am sellected to participate. My heart was dancing with happiness. The nexd day i wore my Halloween Tshirt, done my hair and wor a black scull hair band. While I was dressing up, I prepared my favorite story in my head to tell to the children.

So I was thinking. When this child realizes that he is being raised in a kind of rehab center, would this affect his/her entire life? Would this experience make them feel that they are not as normal as other children that grow up in normal homes? By doing this, I would at least contribute to bring happiness to their little innocent hearts. Another motive was ringing in my head; these woment are being transformed to normal persons after the task of the center is completed. How about a little motive to push them to be professional women and capable of sustaining good jobs and being effective members of the sociery, without mentioning being able to provide good lives for their children.

My heart was dancing as my carpool arrived. I was picking up the stuff I need with the speed of the sound. My belt bag is ready, camera, cellphone and the most important, my black dreaming little prince journal and a pen. Hurried downstairs and got into the car. I was watching the roads and the spaces of Oklahoma. What a wonderful day! Sunny, green Oklahoma was beyond the discription of words. Arriving there and helping to unload the food was a joy by itself.

Then we went inside and I helped with decoration. I was watching the women and children there. They seemed very normal. Children all are clean and dressed with neet detailed costums and so as the mothers. The mothers were very friendly and social. It was hard to tell that they are at some point abused substance or fell into the effect. Everyone was surprised that I am from Iraq and asked me so much questions. I was  asnwering happily.After offering help with decoration, I volunteered to help with the children giving a chance to women to enjoy the event and care for their other children. Holding babies and interacting with children was a very rewarding, soul norishing experience. I was wispering in the ears of young girls that they should be professional business women when they grow up and dress professionally. I gathered them and told them my favorite story. they were in a circle around me as I was wispering to each one of them empowering words.Then I noticed a young girl, a center attendee, early twenties. She dressed slappy in her pigama and unlike other women interacting with eachother, she was alone. I had an urging motive to go talk to her and try to motivate her but I was cautious that the center policy would not allow me to do so. Nevertheless I really regret not talking to her..

We did all kind of things, face painting, games, bag decorations, and contests. All the time my heart was dancing with joy as I jumped from a place to another looking for something to help with. The even came to an end and we also helped cleaning. It ended with even better experiences which is lunch at my favorite restaurant with the organizers where we got to know eachother and shared experiences. My gratitude is beyond discription to the organizers for providing such an opportunity for me to enjoy this experience.

OCTOBER 29, 2011
Oklahoma City

Monday, October 31, 2011

...فرصة ثمينة للشباب.

...فرصة ثمينة للشباب...

لتصبح صحفيا محترفاً في ستة اشهر!!!

سيبدء المركز الاعلامي المستقل في كردستان (IMCK) بالتعاون مع كلية فالموث الجامعية في بريطانيا ومركز الدوحة لحرية الاعلام الدورة الثالثة لمشروع الاعلام للناس (ميديا بؤ خةلك,Media for People) في اربيل.

شروط و مؤهلات القبول

المركز الأعلامي المستقل في كردستان يوفر

1-   أفضل تدريب صحفي في العراق

2-   شهادة مدعومة من قبل جامعة دولية (University College of Falmouth)

3-   السكن، المشاركات يوفر لهن سكن منفصل

4-   النقل، بين اربيل ومحافظات العراق الاخرى

5-   مستلزمات التدريب بالكامل.

يجب على المشارك ان

1-   يظهرالرغبة العالية في ان يصبح صحفي مهني ومحترف

2-   يدفع مبلغ 500$ غير قابل للأسترجاع (مزيد من التفاصيل مع سامان بنجويني)

3-   يتحمل تكاليف الوجبات الغذائية والنفقات الاخرى

4-   الالتزام التام بالدورة والتي تستمر ستة أشهر

5-   على استعداد للقيام بالتطبيق في وسائل الإعلام بعد انتهاء الدورة

ستبدء الدورة في 13.11.2011. للتسجيل وللمزيد من المعلومات  يرجى الاتصال

للعربي: مصطفى قيس 07703475454

للكردي: سامان بنجويني 07710178468

او زورو www.imckiraq.com  او على فيسبوك Independent Media Centre in Kurdistan  

Monday, October 10, 2011

Iraq Rappers

From the shadows of death emerges a strong ray of light, a strong message!
This is how I describe those Iraqi youth that I recently met few months ago and I cannot stop being proud of. They have extraordinary capabilities to  speak up frankly about our hidden suffering and have a strong clear message for improvement..

Enhance Your Knowledge: Tips on How to Impress Your Boss

Enhance Your Knowledge: Tips on How to Impress Your Boss: In this highly competitive market, it's always a good idea to impress your boss. You don't need to become a yes person to impress your supe...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

لا تدع الكآبة تسيطر عليك :تغلب عليها بنفسك ~ مصر النهاردة

لا تدع الكآبة تسيطر عليك :تغلب عليها بنفسك ~ مصر النهاردة

أفضل طريقه لتبريد المحروق وعلاجه

أفضل طريقه لتبريد المحروق وعلاجه
قبل مدة كنت أقوم بسلق بعض الذرة ووضعت الشوكة في الماء لكي أتأكد من نضج الذرة، لكنني أخطأت فأدخلت يدي في الماء المغلي....
دخل صديق لي البيت (وقد كان جنديا في فيتنام)  وأنا أصرخ فسألني إن كان يوجد لي دقيق... أخرجت كيس الدقيق فوضع يدي فيه
طلب مني أن أبقي يدي في كيس الدقيق لمدة 10 دقائق وهو ما فعلته. قال لي أنه حدث في فيتنام أنه كان هناك رجل  يحترق بالنار وخلال الفزع الذي اجتاح الجميع قاموا بسكب كيس من الدقيق على الرجل لكي يطفئوا الحريق والذي حدث أنه لم ينطفئ الحريق فقط ولكن الرجل لم يعاني من أية بثور جراء الحريق!!!
وضعت يدي في كيس الدقيق لمدة عشر دقائق ولم أعاني من أي احمرار أو بثور أو أي ألم إطلاقاً
الآن أنا أحتفظ بكيس من الدقيق في الثلاجة *الدقيق البارد أفضل من الدقيق الذي يكون بنفس درجة حرارة الغرفة. في كل مرة أتعرض فيها لحرق فإني أستعمل الدقيق ولم أعاني أبدا ولا لمرة واحدة من احمرار أو أثر أو بثور! حرقت لساني مرة فوضعت الدقيق عليه لمدة 10 دقائق... ذهب الألم واختفى الحرق !!! جرب هذه الطريقة
احتفظ بكيس من الدقيق في ثلاجتك وسوف تكون سعيدا بذلك! على فكرة لا تغسل الحرق بالماء البارد أولاً، فقط ضعه مباشرة في كيس الدقيق لمدة 10 دقائق.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

por amarte asi

Sleepless in Oklahoma

Since I moved to Oklahoma in August, and my full sleeping nights are countable and rare. I usually don't sleep the whole night and when I do sleep a little, I have nightmares about the past eight years in Iraq. So  my system is keeping me awake in order not to have those nightmares.

But last night was unique; same thing, no sleep. At some point I managed to sleep and I had a good dream being in a new friend's house in Iraq and having a wonderful conversation. Then she prepared a bed for me to spend the night in her room. While we were sleeping, mortar shells fell around the house and the bombing voices were horrible! We all woke up scared and I was shaking and yelling: :  WHAT IS THAT!!! WHAT IS THAT????"  
My friend was scared too but she was holding my body and saying: " don't worry! Don't worry" 

I woke up shaking and sweating and never slept again. 

Now, it is 4:30 a.m. and I am fully awake after a horrible nightmare about Iraq so scared to go to sleep again.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Piece of Brazil

This tip about Brazil shared with me by my Brazilian friend Max Rodriguez!

BRAZIL: Today in Brazil we have a lot of problems, violence, theft, prostitution, unemployment, poverty and etc...!
But one thing that helps a lot in Brazil, the people are very communicative, and loves talking to people.
Here you're free to talk about anything or subject with everyone, no matter what's going to talk.
If the person want, can also talk about things good and bad of life personal.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

VIP for the EYES

These exercises are suggested by an eye doctor.
It is apt for all of us, who spend long hours at our desks, looking at the computer screen.
I Thought I'd share it with you. 20-20-20
Step I :-
After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.
Step II :-
Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.
Step III :-
Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the
entire body.

Circulate among your friends if you care for them and their eyes. They say that your eyes are the mirror of your soul, so do take care of them,
they are priceless... ......... ....
هذه التمارين نصح بها أحد أطباء العيون. وهي جديرة بأن يمارسها كل واحد منا ممن يقضي الساعات الطوال فوق مكتب، محدقا في شاشة الحاسوب. وهو أطلق عليها اسم 20-20-20.

الخطوة الأولى:-
كلما مرت عشرون دقيقة من النظر المستمر على شاشة الجهاز أدر رأسك عنه وركز النظر على أي شيء يبعد عنك عشرين قدما (6 أمتار). فهذا يغيّر البعد البؤري لعدسة العين. وهو شيء واجب للعين المجهدة.

الخطوة الثانية:-
أغمض العينين وافتحهما بتتابع سريع لمدة عشرين مرة متتالية، وذلك لترطيبهما.
الخطوة الثالثة:-
حسب اتساع الوقت لديك قم بالمشي عشرين خطوة، بعد كل عشرين دقيقة من الجلوس في وضع واحد. فهذا التمرين يساعد على تنشيط الدورة الدموية لكامل الجسم.

قم بتوزيع هذه الإرشادات على أصدقائك وأقاربك الذين تعزهم وتهمك سلامة أعينهم. يقال إن العينين هما مرآة النفس، فعليك بالاهتمام بهما لأنهما لا يقدران بثمن .

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Stupid GPS! An Example of Bad Situation Turned for the Best

So those are the first days of graduate college, I have been sent to Edmond, Oklahoma USA to complete my degree in International Relations as a Fulbright scholar. So I moved to New York first for my preacademic English Program which I enjoyed very much. Then I flew to  Edmond Oklahoma to start my graduate program. Being new in town, I do not know the place very much, so when I want to go somewhere I take advantage of the GPS application installed in my smart phone.

Just yesterday, when I was trying to find a Western Union to transfer money to my friend in NY, and after a long long walk in the heat and the sun leading me nowhere but to my home, I had a doubt that my GPS is not working  perfectly. Today is Saturday, I was speaking with my friend, he conveyed his desperate need for money, so I searched the internet to find the closest money transfer system to my home, and I was successful. I found a company near my house, I called them, and they gave me their address which was supposedly close to my house. In spite of my friend's persistence that I must take the bus, I insisted to take a walk to get to the place and so I did.

It was a long long walk in the heat like the one I had yesterday depending on my GPS to arrive to my destination. Following its instructions, I was wondering through the streets of Edmond, walking and walking between the houses in the suburb. Then, the woman's voice of the GPS said that I reached my final destination. It was a big green building, I went to the front door where saw some clothes on the front window! Do they transfer money in the clothes shop? or it might be some kind of mini market and they might do. So I got in. There were clothes, shoes and some home supplies. So I went to the cashier and asked her if they transfer money because my GPS led me here. She answered negatively and called her boss, her boss also answered the same and conveyed that this is the wrong address and I am 8 blocks away from my destination. At this point, I realized that my GPS is not working good at all. She suggested  I go to the back and try to find the address. Puzzled and angry, I stepped away from the store.

Few steps away from the store, the flipflop I was wearing is cut! Pulling my legs, I went back to the store and bought an emergency pair of shoes which helped me continue my walk. So I did. A couple of yards, I saw two young men. I hesitated for a little, being alone with two strangers in the empty street wasn't a promising situation, but I continued walking praying nothing wrong would happen. when I approached them, one asked me how I was doing? The flow of words came out of my mouth asking them how can I transfer money. They answered that they did not know but they directed me to a corner store near by and I headed there. The store cashier answered negatively when I asked her if they transfer money, but one customer suggested I go to the post office couple of yards away and so I did. 

I stood in the line of the post office when there was a young woman standing in front of me there. In addition, she told me that those guys do not transfer money and the best place to do that is Walmart. We walked together outside while she was giving me the direction to get there. Then seeing me tired, she offered a ride. By that, I got to my destination in an air conditioned car. The nice woman waited for me until I finished the transaction and took me home. I couldn't thank her enough just prayed in secret that God bless her and her family for she helped a total stranger from a " relatively dangerous" country and saved her from collapsing in the sun, and I got home by car!!!

If my GPS wasn't wrong and did really lead me to my destination instead of that store that sells shoes, then my flipflop would be cut and I would be in trouble risking walking 900 yards in the hot sun barefoot. If I did not ask those young men and just ran away instead, I would not be led to the corner store therefore to the post office where I met this lovely lady who took fully care of me and helped me to the last minute. The moral of the story, is however bad the situation seems, it is always for the best. Good lesson for life!

Regards from Edmond OK  Aug 27, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Final Destination

Finally I landed yesterday in my final destination Edmond, Oklahoma. 
It is so hot but not Baghdad hot, though it looks like Baghdad in many aspects. Beautiful flat city with everything one may possibly needs. 

I got picked up by a minister who has an international student services, he help them settle down plus offering his house for the new student who has no place to live which is what I am doing now. I am experiencing life in the suburbs which is so nice and quiet. Typical religious american house; mum and dad, two beautiful kids, boy and a girl, the girl is getting ready to leave for school, and two lovely hyper female dogs. Sometimes in the afternoon, I hear the boy playing guitar which gives me a great feeling of relaxation, I feel like I am in a spa or a classy restaurant.

Although I am still suffering from a jet lag, but I am so relaxed in this wonderful house. God bless this family.

مدونون عراقيون Iraqi Bloggers: Riverbend منعطف النهر بغداد تحترق Baghdad burning ...

مدونون عراقيون Iraqi Bloggers: Riverbend منعطف النهر بغداد تحترق Baghdad burning ...: تعتبر "المدونات" مصدراً مهما في الحصول على المعلومات على الرغم من الطابع الشخصي الذي يغلب عليها، كما أنها أكثر قرباً للأحداث من تقارير المرا...

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

In Money

in our READING class, we had some reading to do about money. The teacher is well resourceful and she had traveled a lot and has a wide experience in life. . I like her comments in class but one really caught my attention, she said:

" You have one chance in life to invest money and if it turned good, you will have a good ground to lay on when you are old"

I always thought so!

Corruption in Iraq: A Case Study of Massive Fraud in the Power Sector

Corruption in Iraq: A Case Study of Massive Fraud in the Power Sector

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Power of Now

The past is gone, the future does not exist, the present is gift, this is why they call it present.

-Kung Fu Panda

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Traveller, the path is your tracks
And nothing more.
Traveller, there is no path
The path is made by walking.
By walking you make a path
And turning, you look back
At a way you will never tread again
Traveller, there is no road
Only wakes in the sea.

Antonio Machado 

Friday, July 8, 2011

The New World

My third day in America studying English at Rochester Institute of Technology. Well, it seems that I am living a good life so far and experiencing the American students' life. Now I am sitting in the basement of the Dorms of Kate Gleesen hall doing laundry and decided to write about the experiences I had in that place.

The registration was good, we went to our first class and I met people from all over the world and mingled with them benefitting from their experiences as well as the teachers.

My first night was at the Radesson hotel in Rochester where I could experience the domestic American life. It was an amazing room and facilities. I enjoyed the room and the breakfast the next day. Then took a walk to school enjoying Rochester's wonderful summer weather and nature. Then we got to the building which was wonderful, full of Greek and international flags.

Then we took a test at the English Language Center, we scored advanced and our classes planned accordingly. Then we mingled with people from all over the country and I enjoyed the company of the Hispanic company, we met people and teachers and mingled a lot.

Then the next day I went with my colombian roommate and her Colombian friend for a jog at 5:30 in the morning and had a good laugh while enjoying the nature. We went for breakfast then realized we had classes so wee joined, me with my training clothes, then went to the room and changed after spending sometimes in the library.

Afternoon classes end, so we went to the book store and then had some food and coffee where other students joined us and it was a great fun. Then I visited the driving testing center and then back in the dorms to get ready for the party I was suppose to go to tonight. I also planned a Latino party with Diana and we are supposed to do it tomorrow.

Then back in the dorms I enjoyed some times of peace before dressing and go to the lobby and chatted about politics and the world problems with the bangali guy. Then I went to the party where I djed and had great fun. Then back late.

Next morning in class I had great time chatting with Aldigado the Colombian guy then we went to the library then to lunch when we met the bangle and the guy from Chile and another Japanese man then Danelo joined. We had an interesting conversation about politics and world issue as well as the economy.

Then we went to open a bank account where I had nice chat with Lisa. Then to the book store where I. Bought some motivational books and then I had a new experience to go to the mall and discover the beauty of the city and the life of modern Americans at mall. Then back to the dorms where I am doing the laundry now.

I am happy with this life and doing good so far. It is relaxed and each day new experience, new people new things to learn.

Monday, July 4, 2011

My New Birth

Now 4:15 am in the Golden Tulip Hotel at queen Alia airport AMMAN JORDAN
On my way to america
Here is the end of an era and the beginning of another.
A new birth
This is it! Pain is gone with the wind, suffering is erased from the mind, body and soul.
I am sitting at the hotel room looking through the window at the airport feeling so great I left troubles behind and started a new fresh era. I ended the depression chapter to begin a new one and a new white page will fill it with what is good and beneficial.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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Delete from the Heart : Error ✖

Monday, June 20, 2011

Common Scene in Iraq

Since April 2003, power or electricity is a rare luxury and the city power only presents in our poor homes few countable hours, so we resorted to a strange but practical solution; someone installs a giant power generator at some point in the hood or the street and gives lines of electricity to homes, shops and companies. usually he connects to homes by wires and what you see in the picture is a worker in one of there generators at the top where the wires go to their beneficiaries. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Room Alone

I am sitting here in my room all alone, thinking and thinking, missing my friends those who I have spent the last weekend with and my other friends. I did not feel this need of friends since a long time! Wish I have one of them here with me and I can open my heart to, tell them what bothers me and what makes me sad and lonely, wished to feel someone with me surround me with love and care. wished to have some company, but all of them are either far away or dangerous for them to come and visit as well as me go to visit them. 

Help please. 

Need to Work

Woke up in the morning, unfortunately on a nightmare but I processed it and moved on with the day. I had a quiet breakfast and started getting ready, I was going to meet my lawyer friend which I did and I was so glad to spend sometime with her, my visit was so beneficial. Then I headed to my office. 

The thing is, I am not satisfied with what I am doing now, so I felt a need to work, to do something, to make a difference, to give something to the world. Is it the purpose of our existence here on earth in the same place? To build it and make the lives of others much better? Is it our mission is to develop and improve earth?? 

Please discuss

Latin Singer

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dorms Life in Iraq

See how the Iraqi student spend the best days of their lives  !!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Though I have a billion things in my head! Still I suffer emptiness. The seconds passing and I am not doing anything profitable. I really feel useless in this world, and this sensation is killing me and making me feel that I do not have any contribution to this world. 

Time is an asset, an asset given to us to invest it in our and the world's good, it is a property to invest, so wasting it like that is against God's will. Me, sitting like that! is against God's will. 

My breath is my asset and need to be invested in something that would generate good results for me or for the world. I shall rise and explore my options.
