Monday, June 15, 2015

Trip to Washington, DC

Bags are packed. Papers are prepared. Lodging and transportation are taken care of. Now I am waiting for my friend who is giving me a ride to the airport. I am ready for my third visit to Washington, DC., one of my favorite places in the world. Every time I visit DC, I either learn a lot or meet with friends that are very close to me. Or both. 

This time I will be attending the Global Leadership Summit. There will be great speakers discussing significant global issues. I am looking forward to the experience and very optimistic. Moreover, there will be a chance for networking. This means many connections in my field of expertise, education and passion: International Relations.

I will be staying with a friend of my family. This is also exciting given I will be somehow near family. This is a priceless feeling. While I was growing up, I read many stories about the benefits of travel. Stories written by Arab travelers as well as westerns, they only convey one thing, traveling is a blessing. 

See you soon DC.

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